Welcome to our #BecauseOfHim celebrating Easter page. This year, Easter is April 17th, and during March and April, much of the Christian world turns to Christ as they prepare for and celebrate Easter. To join this conversation, enhance understanding of the Savior's sacrifice and Resurrection, and help God's children feel His love, primary Church messages at this time will focus on the Savior and all that is possible Because of Him.
What is Easter?
Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let's read the easter story and see why it i s a special holiday.
The Story of Easter →
He washed their feet. Then He gave them the sacrament. He told them to remember Him and love one another.
He played for all of us. He felt the pain of our sickness. He felt the pain of our sins.
They hurt Him. He died on the cross for us. His Friends put His body in a tomb.
His friends came back. The tomb was empty! Angels told them, “He is risen.” Jesus was alive again! Because of Jesus, we will all live again after we die.
I can make Easter special by remembering Him.
Jesus Christ is the greatest being to be born on this earth - our perfect example. He is Lord of lords, the Creator, and our Savior, and He came to Earth so that we could live with God again.
How do you celebrate Easter?
This year, Easter is April 17th.
We introduce FIVE ways to celebrate Easter.
1.Watching peaceful message video.
It is about Teaching of Jesus Christ, so please enjoy this with your family or friends! You can pick a topic from the list ↓
Choose a topic from your feeling.
You can watch this topic from HERE (sharable url: https://bit.ly/3LBobQu)
You can watch this topic from HERE (sharable url: https://bit.ly/3LYsV35)
You can watch this topic from HERE (sharable url: https://bit.ly/3DDlk6S)
You can watch this topic from HERE (sharable url: https://bit.ly/3j7M8mu)
You can watch this topic from HERE (sharable url: https://bit.ly/3JbbhXI)
In a world wide devotional of our church, there is a talk feeling Jesus’s love. From the talk, you will know more about Jesus, and how important He is not only for Christian but also for everyone. So you will know more Easter.
You can watch whole conference includes the five talks from HERE.
This conference was held on April, 2022.
2. Easter Cooking
We introduce some American traditional recipes.
・Oatmeal Cookie
・Rice Krispies Treats
・Easy Vegetable Dip
Choose a recipe you want to try!
You can watch the recipe video from HERE (sharable url: https://bit.ly/3qWN6Gb)
You can watch the recipe video from HERE (sharable url: https://bit.ly/3DDSEut)
You can watch the recipe video from HERE (sharable url: https://bit.ly/3u42Zg2)
Please enjoy cooking with your family or friends!
3. Decorating Easter Egg
For celebrating Easter more, decorating eggs is also a fun activity!
・How to decorate egg
・Download link of Stencil patterns
Let's decorate Easter Egg!
-Color pens
-Stencil Pattern
1. Make boiled eggs and cool them without peeling the shell
2. Soak in paint several times to color the shell
3. Dry the eggs
4. Draw your favorite pattern on a dry egg with a sticker or pen
You can download a stencil design pattern from below. Also you can use this decorated egg for Egg Hunt (#4)!
4.Easter Egg Hunting
Have you ever heard about Easter Egg Hunt? Easter is a religious holiday, but some of its customs, such as Easter eggs, are likely linked to pagan traditions.
Let's pray Easter Egg Hunting!
- Plastic Easter Egg cases(You can buy online) OR use #3 eggs
-Snacks that can be put in the case
1. Put the snacks into the egg case
2. Hide the eggs in your house
3. Find the eggs! and count the number!
The egg, an ancient symbol of new life, has been associated with pagan festivals celebrating spring. From a Christian perspective, Easter eggs are said to represent Jesus’ emergence from the tomb and resurrection. Decorating eggs for Easter is a tradition that dates back to at least the 13th century, according to some sources. One explanation for this custom is that eggs were formerly a forbidden food during the Lenten season, so people would paint and decorate them to mark the end of the period of penance and fasting, then eat them on Easter as a celebration.
5.Sharing this Easter page with your loved ones.
Please share this page or each content with your friends and family. Let’s share what you leaned about Easter! Video contents include the sharable link.and for share this page, please copy below:
Do you want to know more...?
Feel free to contact us about Easter, church, or anything else!